This course provides an introduction to the postulates and formal framework of quantum mechanics to Chemistry majors. Simple applications of the theory such as the particle-in-a-box problem, quantum tunneling, simple harmonic oscillator, etc. are covered in the course. The complete problem of the electron in a hydrogen atom is solved using the techniques developed and all relevant concepts such as orbital angular momentum, orbitals, degeneracy, electron spin, etc. will be introduced. Some approximation methods will also be discussed. Familiarity with topics in mathematics like linear algebra, matrices, calculus and probability will be assumed. However, the course will involve a quick revision of essential concepts.
You can find the course contents here.
Prerequisites: MTH 101, PHY 101, CHM 101, MTH 102, PHY 102, MTH 201, PHY 201 or their equivalent Not allowed for Physics majors
Text Books:
- Levine, I., Quantum Chemistry, Ed. 6th, Pearson Press, 2009.
- B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics 2nd Ed (Pearson Education)
- Zettili, N., Quantum Mechanics, Ed. 2nd, John Wiley, 2009.
- Atkins, P. W., Friedman, R. S., Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2008.
- McQuarrie, D. A., Quantum Chemistry, Ed. 2nd, University Science Books, 2008.
This course will feature assignments (10%), 2 quizzes (10%), a mid-semester exam (30%) and an end-semester exam (50%).
[02.01.2017] Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
[13.02.2017] Practice problem set 1 uploaded.
[13.02.2017] Assignment 2 uploaded. Due on 20th Feb.
[04.02.2017] Assignment 3 uploaded. Due on 20th Mar.